How to Fix Error 0xc00000e9 in Windows PC (3 Methods) – TechDisko

Windows OS is quite an evolving operating system that needs continuous improvements with regular OS updates. The OS still has many errors that are either unknown to the end user or don’t have many fixes. The Windows error 0xc00000e9 is one of the most common of them all, and you must have seen this error at least once in the course of using the OS. But what causes this error in Windows PC? And how to fix error 0xc00000e9 in Windows? We have answered all your questions, have a look.

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Why does this error 0xc00000e9 occur?

Error 0xc00000e9 in Windows

The Windows error 0xc00000e9 is quite a common error in Windows OS, and we get to see it quite easily. While finding a fix for this error is fairly easy, but most of us don’t know why this occurs. There can be a handful of reasons behind this error. In many cases, the external devices connected to the PC cause this error. While others are caused by corrupt or bad installation in the drive partition or any other kind of error caused in the hard drive. Below are a few methods that will help you easily fix error 0xc00000e9 in Windows.

How To Fix Error 0xc00000e9 in Windows:

You can follow the below mentioned simple steps to fix error 0xc00000e9 in Windows PC.

How to Fix Error 0xc00000e9 in Windows PC

Method 1: Disconnecting the External Devices:

Before going for the longer method to fix error 0xc00000e9 in Windows, you should perform this simple method, and there are high chances that the issue will be solved by this method itself. You just need to turn off your desktop or laptop, and then disconnect all the devices and peripherals that are connected externally, like pendrives, external hard drive, printer, mouse, keyboard, and any other such device to check for the Windows error 0xc00000e9. But make sure that you don’t remove the display of your computer if it is a desktop, otherwise you won’t be able to see the status of the process.

After removing all these, turn the PC on and check if the problem is solved or not. If the issue is still not solved, then repeat the same process by removing the external devices one by one. Using this way, you will get to know exactly which device is causing the issue. If this doesn’t fix error 0xc00000e9 in Windows, then you should go to the next method.

Method 2: Corrupted Installation Partition:

If the issue is being caused by a corrupt partition, then will have to format the particular partition to fix error 0xc00000e9 in Windows. If you have decided to do so, you will first of all need to make a backup of your data in an externa device. After you have safely backed up your data, you will be able to format the drive quite easily.

There are several easy to use software and tools available online that let you edit and customize the partitions of the Windows PC. You can use any of the tools to format the partition, and you will then be able to fix error 0xc00000e9 in Windows.Alternatively, you can directly reinstall Windows in your device using the recovery media, that you might have received with your computer. Both methods will have almost similar effect on the Windows error 0xc00000e9.

Method 3: Hard Drive Issues:

There are chances that the issue is being caused by some kind of issue in the hard drive, which can be fixed to ultimately fix error 0xc00000e9 in Windows. For that, you will have to boot your laptop or desktop in Safe Mode and then head to the computer directory. Right click on the drive and click properties. There you will have to click on the Tool tab, and then you will find error checking option. Click both the check boxes there, and click Start button. This will take a few minutes and will automatically solve any issue that casing the Windows error 0xc00000e9. This one is the simplest way to fix error 0xc00000e9 in Windows.

If you have carefully followed the above mentioned steps to fix error 0xc00000e9 from any of the suitable methods, then the issue must have been fixed in your laptop or desktop.

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