How to Boost RAM in Android Phones Without Rooting [2023] – TechDisko


In the age of smartphones, having a smooth and efficient device is the key to staying connected and productive. One critical component that greatly affects a phone’s performance is its RAM (Random Access Memory). In this article, we will explore ways to boost RAM in Android phones without rooting, ensuring a better user experience and enhanced performance.

Why is boosting RAM important?

Boosting RAM is essential because it allows your Android phone to run multiple applications simultaneously without any hiccups. More RAM means your phone can handle more tasks, leading to faster and smoother overall performance. Low RAM may result in slow app loading times, lagging, and even crashes. So, boosting your Android phone’s RAM can significantly improve its efficiency and user experience.

Understanding RAM in Android phones

Before diving into ways to boost RAM without rooting, let’s first understand what RAM is and how Android manages it.

  1. What is RAM?

RAM, or Random Access Memory, is a type of short-term memory that stores data and helps your device perform tasks. It allows your phone to access the information it needs quickly and efficiently, making it an essential component for your Android device’s performance.

  1. How Android manages RAM?

Android uses a memory management system that automatically manages RAM allocation for running apps and background processes. When the available RAM starts to run low, Android will automatically close less important apps and processes to free up memory for more critical tasks. However, this automatic management might not always be efficient, making manual RAM boosting necessary for better performance.

How to boost RAM without rooting

Rooting your phone can provide access to advanced options to improve performance, but it also has its drawbacks, like voiding your warranty and posing security risks. Here are some ways to boost RAM in your Android phone without rooting:

  1. Clear background apps

Closing apps running in the background can help free up RAM. To do this, access the “Recent Apps” or “App Overview” screen and swipe away the apps you’re not using. Additionally, you can access “Developer Options” and enable “Don’t keep activities” to ensure apps are closed as soon as you exit them.

  1. Disable unnecessary apps

Disabling pre-installed or unused apps can help improve your phone’s performance. Navigate to “Settings” > “Apps” > “All,” and disable or uninstall apps you don’t need. This will prevent them from running in the background and consuming valuable RAM.

  1. Use a RAM cleaner app

A RAM cleaner app can automatically manage and clean your device’s memory, freeing up RAM for better performance. Some popular RAM cleaner apps include Clean Master and CCleaner. Remember to choose a trusted app from the Google Play Store.

  1. Limit the number of widgets

Widgets consume RAM, so limiting the number of widgets on your home screen can help boost your phone’s RAM. Only use essential widgets and remove any that you don’t need or use infrequently.

  1. Opt for a lighter launcher

Some launchers consume more RAM than others. Switching to a lighter launcher, like Nova Launcher or Microsoft Launcher, can help improve your phone’s performance by using less RAM.

  1. Update your phone’s software

Manufacturers often release software updates that include performance improvements and optimizations. Make sure your Android phone is up-to-date by going to “Settings” > “About phone” > “Software updates.”

Other tips to improve your Android phone’s performance

In addition to boosting RAM, there are other ways to improve your Android phone’s performance:

  • Keep your apps updated to benefit from the latest optimizations and bug fixes.
  • Clear cache and app data regularly to free up storage space.
  • Use a microSD card to expand your storage, which can help prevent your internal memory from becoming too cluttered.
  • Turn off animations and transitions in “Developer Options” to reduce the strain on your device’s resources.


Boosting your Android phone’s RAM without rooting can significantly improve its performance and user experience. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure that your device runs smoothly and efficiently. Remember that it’s not just about boosting RAM, but also maintaining your phone’s overall health through regular updates and storage management.


  1. Does adding more RAM improve my Android phone’s performance?

Yes, adding more RAM can significantly improve your Android phone’s performance, as it allows your device to run more apps and processes simultaneously without lag or crashes.

  1. Can I physically upgrade the RAM on my Android phone?

Physically upgrading the RAM on an Android phone is not possible, as it is soldered to the device’s motherboard. However, you can boost your phone’s RAM through software optimizations as discussed in this article.

  1. Do memory booster apps really work?

Memory booster apps can help improve your phone’s performance by clearing unnecessary processes and background apps. However, their effectiveness may vary depending on the specific app and your device.

  1. What are the risks of rooting my Android phone?

Rooting your Android phone can void your warranty, expose your device to security risks, and potentially lead to software incompatibilities or even brick your device. It’s essential to weigh the benefits and risks before deciding to root your phone.

  1. Is there any way to increase storage in my Android phone to improve performance?

Yes, you can use a microSD card to expand your storage capacity, which can help improve your phone’s performance by preventing internal memory from becoming too cluttered.

How to boost RAM in android phones without rooting.
How to boost RAM in android phones without rooting [2022]
How to boost RAM in android phones without rooting [2022]

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